To some kids, getting their photos taken is something they might DREAD! When I was a kid, I was one of those kids during photos. Whether I was on the ground having a tantrum, crying, or showing goofy faces to the cameras, getting my photos taken was not always a fun experience. To some kids, they are not comfortable getting their picture taken, and that is completely okay! During our session, I will try my best to make sure you and your little ones are as comfortable as can be, but I'll need some help! Below are a few of my tips I suggest looking over before our session, just so you know what to expect/what to do in case the little one's are having a hard time!


  • Give your kids a head up before the day of the photo shoot about what we’ll be doing and talk to them about how much fun it’s going to be. If your child is old enough, set the expectation of how you would like them to behave during the shoot. Feel free to include bribes and let them know that if they show their best smiles, they might get a special prize/treat! If they're old enough to understand, try to talk them through the process of the photoshoot! Let them know how long the session will be, and reassure them that it won't take long at all!
  • Make sure they are COMFORTABLE in what they are wearing! If your child hates what they are wearing, too hot/cold in their clothing, itchy in their clothing, etc., it will show in the photos!
  • You can get your child to smile during the session by letting them know they will get a reward if they show me their beautiful smiles! With that in mind, they will be motivated to get their reward, most kids will do whatever they can for what they want!
  • Make sure to bring lots of water (especially if it's a hot day)!
  • Let your child smile NATURALLY! For some parents, I know it can be heard to not say "don't smile like that, give me a real smile" but sometimes that may stress children out! The best way to get a ‘real smile’ is to actually make your child laugh or smile. So instead of telling them how they should look I focus on being silly and eliciting genuine emotions from them.
  • Make sure YOU are positive during the session! Often times, children will sense if the adults are stressed out, and in turn, might get stressed out as well. Your kids will pick up on your mood so try to take some deep breaths and relax and enjoy the experience. Nothing needs to be perfect. I’m capturing your family just as you are at this point in time.